[24/30499555 DC] BS EN IEC 63478-2 User’s Quality of Experience (QoE) on Multimedia Conferencing Services Part 2. Requirements现行
[24/30499539 DC] Part 4. Measurement of passive intermodulation in coaxial cablesBS EN IEC 62037-4/AMD1 Amendment 1. Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement现行
[24/30494116 DC] BS EN 18124 Road marking materials. Temporary road markings现行
[24/30491906 DC] BS ISO 21927-13 Smoke and heat control systems Part 13: Design and calculation methods for pressure differential systems (PDSs)现行
[24/30466014 DC] BS ISO 18955 Railway applications - Suspension components - Rubber diaphragms for pneumatic suspension springs现行
[24/30472581 DC] BS ISO 18997 Water reuse in urban areas - Guidelines for the urban reclaimed water for landscaping uses现行
[24/30479955 DC] ISO 19361 Measurement of radioactivity. Determination of beta emitters activities. Test method using liquid scintillation counting现行
[24/30474126 DC] BS ISO 16611 Plastics piping systems for drainage and sewerage without pressure. Non-circular pipes and joints made of glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resins (UP). Dimensions, requirements and tests现行
[24/30464104 DC] BS ISO 16063-1:1998/Amd 2 Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers Part 1: Basic concepts. Amendment 2现行
[24/30461468 DC] BS ISO 17646 Rapid detection of moisture content in fresh meat - Low-field NMR method现行
[24/30483836 DC] BS EN ISO 21362 Nanotechnologies - Analysis of nano-objects using asymmetrical flow and centrifugal field-flow fractionation现行
[24/30483027 DC] Part X11: Colour fastness to hot pressingBS EN ISO 105-X11 Textiles. Tests for colour fastness现行
[24/30469647 DC] BS ISO 22366 Security and resilience - Community resilience - Framework and principles for energy resilience现行
[24/30482297 DC] BS EN ISO 18243 Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles. Test specifications and safety requirements for lithium-ion battery systems现行
[24/30461465 DC] BS ISO 17645 Dry-cured ham - Specification现行
[24/30477138 DC] BS ISO 7376-2 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment Part 2: Video laryngoscopes现行
[BS EN ISO 18497-3:2024 - TC] Autonomous operating zonesTracked Changes. Agricultural machinery and tractors. Safety of partially automated, semi-autonomous and autonomous machinery现行
[BS EN ISO 13032:2024 - TC] Tracked Changes. Petroleum and related products. Determination of low concentration of sulfur in automotive fuels. Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method现行
[BS EN ISO 18497-2:2024 - TC] Design principles for obstacle protection systemsTracked Changes. Agricultural machinery and tractors. Safety of partially automated, semi-autonomous and autonomous machinery现行
[ISO/TS 6253:2024] Requirements and recommendations for training programmes in community interpreting现行