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[JC 410-1991(1996)] 水泥花砖现行

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[DB/T 44203-2004] 农业机械技术推广规程现行

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[DB/T 44207-2004] 荔枝蒂蛀虫预测预报技术规程现行

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[DB/T 44219-2005] 农产品干燥设备试验鉴定规范现行

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[建标145-2011] 煤炭工程项目建设用地指标——露天矿、露天矿区辅助设施部分现行

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[TB765-2019] Understanding and mitigating corrosion

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[CSCSE010] CSE 010

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[CcCOLL_CAL_2018] Colloquium - Calgary 2018

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[TB445-2011] Guide for Transformer Maintenance

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[CcCOLL_MON_2006] Colloquium - Montreal 2006

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[TB324-2016] Sag-Tension calculation methods for overhead lines

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[TB764-2019] Expected impact on substation management from future grids

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[TB492-2012] Voltage Source Converter (VSC) HVDC for Power Transmission - Economic Aspects and Comparison with other AC and DC Technologies

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[WcWBN005] Modelling of inverter-based generation for ppower system dynamic studies

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[TB227-2003] Life management techniques for power transformers.

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[TB762-2019] Remote security service requirement objectives

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[TB379-2009] Update of Service Experience of HV Underground and Submarine Cable Systems

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[TB761-2019] Condition assessment of power transformers

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