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CCAA T55-2005/CIA Z10-2005现行

Guide to Tilt-up Design and Construction

出版:Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia

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标准编号: CCAA T55-2005/CIA Z10-2005
发布时间:2005/6/1 0:00:00
出版单位:Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia

The Guide uses an 'issues-based' approach and therefore comments on matters peculiar to the design of tilt-up construction. In suggesting an overall design approach and then discussing specific issues, the Guide alerts designers to those issues that may be significant for their particular project. The Guide is generally aimed at single-storey structures, though some of the principles and details apply to the use of the method in multi-storey buildings. Targeted to engineering designers the Guide does include some information on finishes and the range of building types for which tilt-up is suitable.


CIA Z10-1992