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CIA Z10-1992被替代

CIA Recommended Practice: Design of Tilt-Up Wall Panels

出版:Concrete Institute of Australia

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标准编号: CIA Z10-1992
标准类别:Misc Product
出版单位:Concrete Institute of Australia

Millions of square meters of tilt-up wall panels have been designed and erected in Australia over the past twenty years. Tilt-up has developed from an occasionally used technique to the preferred walling system for many industrial, retail and low-rise commercial buildings. To date Australian structural designers of tilt-up have had to rely on USA design manual or methods promoted by equipment suppliers in that country. Aware of this lack of design aids, the Concrete Institute of Australia has produced the Recommended Practice to assist designers to comply with the requirements of AS 3600, Concrete structures.


CCAA T55-2005/CIA Z10-2005