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AS/RISSB 7508:2017现行

Track Forces and Stresses

出版:Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board

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标准编号: AS/RISSB 7508:2017
发布时间:2017/11/20 0:00:00
出版单位:Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board

This Standard describes requirements to limit the forces and contact stresses exerted on the track by rolling stock.The main purpose of the requirements is to reduce the likelihood of accelerated degradation of the infrastructure and reduce the risk of derailment.This document applies to the following types of new and modified rolling stock, or existing rolling stock previously captive to a particular operation which is to be operated in a new area: a) Locomotive rolling stock. b) Freight rolling stock. c) Passenger rolling stock. d) Infrastructure maintenance rolling stock. The document covers the design, construction and maintenance of rolling stock. Operation of rolling stock is not covered. Rolling stock used on light rail, cane railway and/or monorail networks are not covered.