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AS/RISSB 7508.2:2009被替代

Railway Rolling Stock - Track Forces and Stresses Freight Rolling Stock

出版:Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board

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标准编号: AS/RISSB 7508.2:2009
出版单位:Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board

This Standard is part of the AS 7508 suite of Standards and covers the following aspects of the interface between rolling stock and the track:- Evaluation and testing,- Axle load and overall vehicle mass,- Rail contact stresses,- P2 forces,- Lateral track shifting forces,- Lateral wheel to rail force,- Rail stress during track work,- Residual dynamic imbalance forces.Please note that this product is available in Excel format only. The Excel format allows users to more easily edit and comply with the standard, especially when working in the field. The decision to use Excel was based on much discussion and valuable feedback from customers of RISSB Australian Standards.


ISBN: 978-0-7337-9384-4.


AS/RISSB 7508 : 2017

AS/RISSB 7508:2017