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电影与电视工程师学会 -[SMPTE]

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers


每页显示20 条,共找到 1258 条结果 <58/63>
标准编号 标准名称 发布部门 发布日期 状态
SMPTE ST 430-17:2022 SMPTE Standard - SMS-OMB Communications Protocol Specification Society of.. 2022-04-11 现行
SMPTE ST 2059-2:2021 SMPTE Profile for Use of IEEE-1588 Precision Time Protocol in Professional Broadcast Applications Society of.. 2022-04-11 现行
SMPTE ST 377-4:2021 MXF Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework Society of.. 2022-04-11 现行
SMPTE ST 2059-1:2021 SMPTE Standard - Generation and Alignment of Interface Signals to the SMPTE Epoch Society of.. 2022-04-11 现行
SMPTE RDD 57:2021 SMPTE Registered Disclosure Doc - SMPTE ST 2098-2 Immersive Audio Bitstream and PackagingConstraints: IAB Application Profile 1 Society of.. 2022-04-11 现行
SMPTE ST 377-42:2021 MCA Label Controlled Vocabulary Society of.. 2022-04-11 现行
SMPTE RDD 58:2021 SMPTE Registered Disclosure Doc - Carriage of Live Production Metadata Society of.. 2022-04-11 现行
SMPTE ST 377-41:2021 SMPTE Standard - MXF Multichannel Audio Controlled Vocabulary Society of.. 2022-04-11 现行
SMPTE OV 2067-0:2021 SMPTE Overview Document - Interoperable Master Format Society of.. 2022-04-11 现行
SMPTE ST 2110-43:2021 Professional Media Over Managed IP Networks: Timed Text Markup Language for Captions and Subtitles Society of.. 2022-04-11 现行
SMPTE RDD 56:2021 SMPTE Registered Disclosure Doc - Track File for JPEG 2000 Codestreams with Time-Synchronous Metadata Society of.. 2022-04-11 现行
ST 2067-103:2021 SMPTE Standard - Interoperable Master Format — Output Profile List — Common Audio Definition and Macros Society of.. 2021-02-21 现行
SMPTE ST 2067-201:2021 SMPTE Standard - Immersive Audio Bitstream Level 0 Plug-in Society of.. 2021-02-21 现行
SMPTE ST 2065-1 : 2021 Academy Color Encoding Specification (ACES) Society of.. 2021-02-21 现行
SMPTE ST 429-4:2020 SMPTE Standard - D-Cinema Packaging — MXF JPEG 2000 Application Society of.. 2020-08-10 现行
ST 338:2016 Am1:2019 ST 338:2016 Am1:2019 - SMPTE Amendment - Format for Non-PCM Audio and Data in AES3 — Data Types Society of.. 2020-08-10 现行
SMPTE ST 2122:2020 SMPTE Standard - Spectral Similarity Index (SSI) Society of.. 2020-08-10 现行
SMPTE ST 2117-1:2020 VC-6 Multiplanar Picture Format — Part 1. Elementary Bitstream Society of.. 2020-08-10 现行
SMPTE RDD 51 : 2020 SMPTE Registered Disclosure Doc - High Density Image Encoding for ARRIRAW Files Society of.. 2020-06-14 现行
SMPTE ST 2067-5 : 2020 Interoperable Master Format — Essence Component Society of.. 2020-06-14 现行