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标准编号 标准名称 发布部门 发布日期 状态
KS V 7829:2014 Test valves for marine diesel engines Korean Sta.. 2014-10-08 废止
KS V 7835:2014 Pump governors driven by steam turbine for maine use Korean Sta.. 2014-10-08 废止
KS V 7612:2014 Tools and outfits for the machinery of ships Korean Sta.. 2014-10-08 废止
KS V 0415:2014 Outboard motors — Power measurements and declarations Korean Sta.. 2014-09-12 废止
SANS 13592 Ed. 1 (2008/R2014) Small Craft - Backfire Flame Control For Petrol Engines South Afri.. 2014-01-17 现行
KS V 7821:2013 Shipbuilding - Resistance bulbs Korean Sta.. 2013-12-25 现行
KS V 7242:2013 Oil gauges for small size fuel oil tank Korean Sta.. 2013-12-17 现行
KS V 7132:2013 Ship’s lubricant oil cooler(Shell and tube type) Korean Sta.. 2013-12-17 现行
KS V 4025:2013 Simplex oil strainers for marine use - Stainless steel plate Korean Sta.. 2013-12-17 现行
KS V 7828:2013 Guides of inlet valves and exhaust valves for marine diesel engines Korean Sta.. 2013-12-17 现行
KS V 7827:2013 Seats of inlet valves and exhaust valves for marine diesel engines Korean Sta.. 2013-12-17 现行
KS V 7833:2013 Pistons for small size marine engines with cylinder diameter 230 mm or less Korean Sta.. 2013-12-17 现行
KS V 3993:2013 Single suction single-stage centrifugal pumps for marine use Korean Sta.. 2013-12-12 现行
KS V 3992:2013 Oil transfer rotary pumps for marine use Korean Sta.. 2013-12-12 现行
KS V 4005:2013 Inflatable liferaft for marine use Korean Sta.. 2013-12-12 现行
KS V 3995:2013 Multi-stage centrifugal pumps for marine use Korean Sta.. 2013-12-12 现行
KS V 0027:2013 Shipbuilding - Machinery - Vibration, noise, environment and air pollution - Vocabulary Korean Sta.. 2013-12-02 现行
NF EN ISO 18854:2013 Small Craft - Test Bed Measurement Of Gaseous And Particulate Exhaust Emissions From Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Associatio.. 2013-11-01 被替代
DIN EN ISO 18854 (2013-11) Small Craft - Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Exhaust Emission Measurement - Test-bed Measurement Of Gaseous And Particulate Exhaust Emissions (iso/dis 18854:2013) German Ins.. 2013-11-01 被替代
SANS 4566 Ed. 1 (2008/R2013) Small Craft With Inboard Engine - Propeller Shaft Ends And Bosses With 1:10 Taper South Afri.. 2013-10-28 现行