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标准编号 标准名称 发布部门 发布日期 状态
I.S. EN ISO 6414:1995 Technical Drawings For Glassware National S.. 2020-02-18 被替代
I.S. EN ISO 6414:2020 Technical product documentation (TPD) - Technical drawings for glassware (ISO 6414:2020) National S.. 2020-02-18 现行
DS/ISO 6414:2020 Technical product documentation (TPD) – Technical drawings for glassware Danish Sta.. 2020-02-07 现行
DS EN ISO 6414:1995 Technical Drawings For Glassware Danish Sta.. 2020-02-07 被替代
DS/EN ISO 6414:2020 Technical product documentation (TPD) – Technical drawings for glassware (ISO 6414:2020) Danish Sta.. 2020-02-07 现行
I.S. EN ISO 6412-2:2018 Technical Product Documentation - Simplified Representation of Pipelines Part 2: Isometric Projection (iso 6412-2:2017) National S.. 2018-02-25 现行
I.S. EN ISO 6412-3:2018 Technical Product Documentation - Simplified Representation of Pipelines Part 3: Terminal Features of Ventilation and Drainage Systems (iso 6412-3:2017) National S.. 2018-02-25 现行
I.S. EN ISO 6412-1:2018 Technical Product Documentation - Simplified Representation of Pipelines Part 1: General Rules and Orthogonal Representation (iso 6412-1:2017) National S.. 2018-02-25 现行
ISO 6412-2:2017 Technical product documentation - Simplified representation of pipelines Part 2: Isometric projection Internatio.. 2017-12-07 现行
ISO 6412-3:2017 Technical product documentation - Simplified representation of pipelines Part 3: Terminal features of ventilation and drainage systems Internatio.. 2017-12-07 现行
ISO 6412-1:2017 Technical product documentation - Simplified representation of pipelines Part 1: General rules and orthogonal representation Internatio.. 2017-12-07 现行
SS EN ISO 10628-1 Ed. 1 (2015) Diagrams For The Chemical And Petrochemical Industry - Part 1: Specification Of Diagrams (Iso 10628-1:2014) Standardis.. 2015-01-18 现行
KS B ISO 6412-1:2014 Technical drawings ? Simplified representation of pipelines ? Part 1: General rules and orthogonal representation Korean Sta.. 2014-12-29 现行
KS B ISO 6412-2:2014 Technical drawings ? Simplified representation of pipelines ? Part 2: Isometric representation Korean Sta.. 2014-12-29 现行
KS B ISO 6412-3:2014 Technical drawings — Simplified representation of pipelines — Part 3: Terminal features of ventilation and drainage systems Korean Sta.. 2014-12-29 废止
KS A ISO 6414:2014 Technical drawings for glassware Korean Sta.. 2014-12-23 现行
NFG 05 004:2014 Clothing - Technical Drawings For The Clothing Industry Associatio.. 2014-12-01 现行
DIN 919-1 (2014-08) Technical Drawings - Wood Processing - Principles German Ins.. 2014-08-01 现行
DIN 6785 (2014-06) Protrusions On Turned Parts - Indications On Drawingsathes; Indications On Drawings German Ins.. 2014-06-01 现行
DIN 4943 (2013-09) Graphical Layout And Documentation Of Wells And Ground Water Measuring Points German Ins.. 2013-09-01 现行