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标准编号 标准名称 发布部门 发布日期 状态
ISO 10318-2:2015/Amd 1:2018 Geosynthetics Part 2: Symbols and pictograms - Amendment 1 Internatio.. 2018-05-31 现行
ISO 10318-2:2015/FDAmd 1 Geosynthetics Part 2: Symbols and pictograms - Amendment 1 Internatio.. 2018-01-30 现行
KS K ISO 10318-2:2017 Geosynthetics - Part 2:Symbols and pictograms Korean Sta.. 2017-12-13 废止
KS T 1355:2017 Guideline of handling and operation system for returnable transport items Korean Sta.. 2017-10-04 废止
KS A 6201:2016 A korean traditional roofing tile pattern classification system Korean Sta.. 2016-12-19 废止
KS A 6200:2016 A korean traditional pattern classification system Korean Sta.. 2016-12-19 废止
DIN 4063 (2016-03) Signs For Civil Defense German Ins.. 2016-03-01 现行
I.S. EN ISO 780:2015 Packaging - Distribution Packaging - Graphical Symbols for Handling and Storage of Packages (iso 780:2015) National S.. 2016-01-11 现行
KS T ISO 22742:2015 Packaging - Linear bar code and two-dimensional symbols for product packaging Korean Sta.. 2015-12-24 现行
ISO 780:2015 Packaging - Distribution packaging - Graphical symbols for handling and storage of packages Internatio.. 2015-11-18 现行
DIN EN ISO 10318-2 (2015-10) Geosynthetics Part 2: Symbols and Pictograms (ISO 10318-2:2015); Trilingual version EN ISO 10318-2:2015 German Ins.. 2015-10-01 现行
OVE/ONORM EN 62047-22:2015 Semiconductor Devices - Micro-Electromechanical Devices - Part 22: Electromechanical Tensile Test Method For Conductive Thin Films On Flexible Substrates (Iec 62047-22:2014) Osterreich.. 2015-06-01 现行
NBN EN ISO 10318-2:2015 Geosynthetics - Part 2: Symbols And Pictograms (Iso 10318-2:2015) Belgian St.. 2015-05-01 现行
BS EN ISO 10318-2:2015 Geosynthetics - Part 2: Symbols And Pictograms (Iso 10318-2:2015) British St.. 2015-04-30 现行
I.S. EN ISO 10318-2:2015 Geosynthetics Part 2: Symbols and Pictograms (iso 10318-2:2015) National S.. 2015-04-25 现行
SS EN ISO 10318-2 Ed. 1 (2015) Geosynthetics - Part 2: Symbols And Pictograms (Iso 10318-2:2015) Standardis.. 2015-04-13 现行
NEN EN ISO 10318-2:2015 Geosynthetics - Part 2: Symbols And Pictograms Nederlands.. 2015-04-01 现行
ISO 10318-2:2015 Geosynthetics Part 2: Symbols and pictograms Internatio.. 2015-03-26 现行
DIN 23330 (2015-03) Safety Marking For Mines German Ins.. 2015-03-01 现行
ASTM E2631-09(2015) Standard Practice for Physical Placement of an Entity-Controlled Supplemental Identification Label American S.. 2015-01-01 现行