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标准编号 标准名称 发布部门 发布日期 状态
ISO 17398:2004 Safety colours and safety signs - Classification, performance and durability of safety signs Internatio.. 2023-05-06 现行
ISO 6405-2:2017 Earth-moving machinery - Symbols for operator controls and other displays Part 2: Symbols for specific machines, equipment and accessories Internatio.. 2023-05-06 现行
ISO 6405-1:2017 Earth-moving machinery - Symbols for operator controls and other displays Part 1: Common symbols Internatio.. 2023-05-06 现行
ISO 9244:2008/Amd 1:2016 Earth-moving machinery - Machine safety labels - General principles - Amendment 1 Internatio.. 2023-03-01 现行
ISO/IEC 13251:2004 Collection of graphical symbols for office equipment Internatio.. 2020-03-03 被替代
CSA ISO/IEC 13251:2005 (R2015) Collection Of Graphical Symbols For Office Equipment Canadian S.. 2020-03-03 被替代
CSA ISO/IEC 13251:2020 Information technology — Collection of graphical symbols for office equipment (ISO/IEC 13251:2019, IDT) Canadian S.. 2020-03-03 现行
ISO 3767-2:2016 Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment - Symbols for operator controls and other displays Part 2: Symbols for agricultural tractors and machinery Internatio.. 2020-01-12 修订中
ISO 3767-1:2016 Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment - Symbols for operator controls and other displays Part 1: Common symbols Internatio.. 2020-01-12 修订中
ISO 7010:2011/DAmd 239 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Registered safety signs - Amendment 239: Safety sign E026: Emergency exit for people unable to walk or with walking impairment (left) Internatio.. 2018-03-27 现行
ISO 9687:2015/Amd 1:2018 Dentistry - Graphical symbols for dental equipment - Amendment 1 Internatio.. 2018-03-22 现行
ISO/DIS 2575 Road vehicles - Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales Internatio.. 2018-03-20 现行
ISO 11532:2018 Aircraft ground equipment - Graphical symbols Internatio.. 2018-02-15 现行
ASTM C108-46(2018) Standard Symbols for Heat Transmission American S.. 2018-02-01 现行
KS S ISO 3864-2:2017 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 2:Design principles for product safety labels Korean Sta.. 2017-12-29 废止
KS S ISO 80416-4:2017 Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment - Part 4:Guidelines for the adaptation of graphical symbols for use on screens and displays(icons) Korean Sta.. 2017-12-29 废止
KS B ISO 3767-1:2017 Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 1: Common symbols Korean Sta.. 2017-12-20 废止
KS B ISO 3767-2:2017 Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 2: Symbols for agricultural tractors and machinery Korean Sta.. 2017-12-20 废止
KS B ISO 9244:2017 Earth-moving machinery - Safety signs and hazard pictorials - General principles Korean Sta.. 2017-12-13 废止
I.S. EN 60445:2017 Basic and Safety Principles for Man-machine Interface, Marking and Identification - Identification of Equipment Terminals, Conductor Terminations and Conductors National S.. 2017-12-12 现行