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每页显示20 条,共找到 1046 条结果 <1/53>
标准编号 标准名称 发布部门 发布日期 状态
ISO 15152:2003/Amd 1:2012 Tobacco — Determination of the content of total alkaloids as nicotine — Continuous-flow analysis method — Amendment 1 Internatio.. 2020-03-21 现行
ISO 15152:2003/Amd 2:2018 Tobacco — Determination of the content of total alkaloids as nicotine — Continuous-flow analysis method — Amendment 2 Internatio.. 2020-03-21 现行
ISO 15152 : 2003(R2015) Tobacco — Determination of the content of total alkaloids as nicotine — Continuous-flow analysis method (REVIEWED AND CONFIRMED IN 2015) Internatio.. 2020-03-21 现行
ISO 15152:2003 Tobacco — Determination of the content of total alkaloids as nicotine — Continuous-flow analysis method Internatio.. 2020-03-21 现行
BIS IS 4469:2020 https://shop.standards.ie/en-ie/Standards/IS-4469-2020-173540_SAIG_BIS_BIS_2819384/ Bureau of .. 2020-03-08 现行
BIS IS 4469:1985 (R1997) Code Of Practice For Construction Of Flue-curing Tobacco Barns Bureau of .. 2020-03-08 被替代
BIS IS 4469:2020 Code of Practice for Construction of Flue-Curing Tobacco Barns ( Second Revision ) Bureau of .. 2020-03-08 现行
ISO/DIS 22253 Cigarettes - Determination of nicotine in total particulate matter from the mainstream smoke under intense smoking conditions - Gas-chromatographic method Internatio.. 2018-05-15 现行
ISO/DIS 20714 E-liquid - Determination of nicotine, propylene glycol and glycerol in liquids used in electronic nicotine delivery devices - Gas chromatographic method Internatio.. 2018-04-26 现行
ISO/FDIS 21766 Tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of tobacco-specific nitrosamines in tobacco products - Method using LC-MS/MS Internatio.. 2018-03-29 现行
ISO/FDIS 20768 Vapour products - Routine analytical vaping machine - Definitions and standard conditions Internatio.. 2018-03-26 现行
ISO/FDIS 20778 Cigarettes - Routine analytical cigarette smoking machine - Definitions and standard conditions with an intense smoking regime Internatio.. 2018-03-19 现行
ISO/FDIS 20779 Cigarettes - Generation and collection of total particulate matter using a routine analytical smoking machine with an intense smoking regime Internatio.. 2018-03-12 现行
ISO/FDIS 21045 Tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of ammonia - Method using ion chromatographic analysis Internatio.. 2018-02-26 现行
KS H ISO 15154:2017 Tobacco - Determination of the content of reducing carbohydrates - Continuous-flow analysis method Korean Sta.. 2017-12-15 废止
KS H ISO 16632:2017 Tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of water content - Gas-chromatographic method Korean Sta.. 2017-12-15 废止
KS H ISO 15153:2017 Tobacco - Determination of the content of reducing substances - Continuous-flow analysis method Korean Sta.. 2017-12-15 废止
KS H ISO 15517:2017 Tobacco - Determination of nitrate content - Continuous-flow analysis method Korean Sta.. 2017-12-15 废止
KS H ISO TS 7821:2017 Tobacco and tobacco products - Preparation and constitution of identical samples from the same lot for collaborative studies for the evaluation of test methods Korean Sta.. 2017-12-15 废止
KS H ISO 3550-2:2017 Cigarettes - Determination of loss of tobacco from the ends - Part 2:Method using a rotating cubic box(sismelatophore) Korean Sta.. 2017-12-15 废止