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EN 1822-2:1998被替代

High efficiency air filters (HEPA and ULPA) - Part 2: Aerosol production, measuring equipment, particle counting statistics

出版:Comite Europeen de Normalisation

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标准编号: EN 1822-2:1998
出版单位:Comite Europeen de Normalisation

This European Standard applies to high effciency particulate air filters and ultra low penetration air filters (HEPA and ULPA) used in the field of ventilation and air conditioning and for technical processes, e.g. for clean room technology or applications in the nuclear and pharmaceutical industry. It establishes a procedure for the determination of the efficiency on the basis of a particle counting method using a liquid test aerosol, and allows a standardized classification of these filters in terms of their efficiency.


EN 1822-2:2009