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EM 019-2005现行

New Railway Environment

出版:Engineers Media

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标准编号: EM 019-2005
发布时间:2005/1/1 0:00:00
出版单位:Engineers Media

To compensate for this disappearance of knowledge caused by the loss of many of the traditional managers and staff, and to articulate modern systems of railway management & operation, Queensland University of Technology & the Australian Railway Research Institute prepared a Continuing Professional Development Course that addresses the most important of these issues. The teaching modules that are contained in that course have been adapted to form the general contents of this book, New Railway Environment: a multi-disciplinary business concept. Most of the principal challenges and activities demanded of people involved in today's railways are contained in this book. Drawing mainly from Australian experience it offers a one stop shop for those who wish to apprise themselves of up-to-date practices in the changing railway environment.