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IEC 62793 Ed. 1.0现行

Protection against lightning - Thunderstorm warning systems

出版:International Electrotechnical Committee

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标准编号: IEC 62793 Ed. 1.0
发布时间:2016/5/12 0:00:00
出版单位:International Electrotechnical Committee

IEC 62793:2016(E) describes the characteristics of thunderstorm warning systems and evaluation of the usefulness of lightning real time data and/or storm electrification data in order to implement lightning hazard preventive measures. This standard provides the basic requirements for sensors and networks collecting accurate data of the relevant parameters, giving real-time information of lightning tracks and range. It describes the application of the data collected by these sensors and networks in the form of warnings and historical data. This standard applies to the use of information from thunderstorm warning systems (systems or equipment providing real-time information) on atmospheric electric activity in order to monitor preventive measures.