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EM 010-2002被替代

Safety Case Guideline

出版:Engineers Media

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标准编号: EM 010-2002
出版单位:Engineers Media

Managing safety is moving from the isolated application of strictly technical tools to a more robust safety case approach that applies multiple assessment methodologies to demonstrate that both technical and organisational risks are managed effectively.With the growing emphasis of performance-based legislation, the safety case is not only a mechanism for achieving safety goals but has also become an important liability management tool.To act effectively as both a technical and liability management tool, safety cases need to have an initial argument for the approaches selected to demonstrate effective safety management. Eight paradigms for assessing risk and three inquiry methods of "risk sign off" are described.The Victorian Chapter of Risk Engineering Society of Engineers Australia, has prepared this Guideline in accordance with Victorian legislation. However, professionals in other states should find this a useful guide to preparing a safety case.


EM 010-2007