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EM 024-2006现行

Australian Runoff Quality - A Guide to Water Sensitive Urban Design

出版:Engineers Media

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标准编号: EM 024-2006
出版单位:Engineers Media

Provides an overview of current best practice in the management of urban stormwater in Australia, within the context of total urban water cycle management and integration of management practices into the urban built form.  As well as the issue of stormwater quality, major Australian urban areas have experienced raw water supply shortages in recent years, and that the potential synergies between stormwater quantity management/reuse and potable water use minimization have been identified by the industry as a priority issue.  ARQ provides framework for successful approaches in Water Sensitive Urban Design, addressing various spatial scales of integration of urban drainage planning with the design elements of urban hydrology, ecologically sustainable development, land use planning, urban landform and asset life cycle economics. The document also presents an overview of institutional capacity building activities to underpin the sustainability of the technological approaches to WSUD. Prepared by Engineers Australia, National Committee for Water Engineering.


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