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AS ISO 10377:2017现行

Consumer product safety - Guidelines for suppliers

出版:Standards Australia

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标准编号: AS ISO 10377:2017
发布时间:2017/2/24 0:00:00
出版单位:Standards Australia

This International Standard provides practical guidance to suppliers on assessing and managing the safety of consumer products, including effective documentation of risk assessment and risk management to meet applicable requirements.This International Standard describes how to:- identify, assess, reduce or eliminate hazards;- manage risks by reducing them to tolerable levels;- provide consumers with hazard warnings or instructions essential to the safe use or disposal of consumer products.This International Standard is intended to apply to consumer products, but might also be applicable to decisions concerning safety in other product sectors.


ISO 10377:2013 - Identical

ISO 10377:2013(R2018) - Identical

ISO 10377:2013(R2018) - Identical