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CCA T48-1999被替代

Industrial Floors and Pavements

出版:Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia

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标准编号: CCA T48-1999
出版单位:Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia

The primary objective of this manual is to promote cost-effective techniques for the detailing and design of concrete industrial and commercial pavements that meet the requirements of in-service performance. It covers the selection and detailing of internal and external pavements. The principles and details provided are applicable to pavements likely to be found in warehouses, stores, manufacturing plants, engineering workshops, garages, offices and shopping complexes. It has been prepared to assist engineers, architects, specifiers and building contractors by providing an outline of the process of detailing and the major factors in meeting design performance. The manual covers plain and reinforced concrete pavements, but no pre-stressed or post-tensioned pavements. Incorporates Erratum Sheet 1.


CCA T48-2009