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DS/ISO 24617-9:2019现行

Language resource management – Semantic annotation framework – Part 9: Reference annotation framework (RAF)

出版:Danish Standards

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标准编号: DS/ISO 24617-9:2019
出版单位:Danish Standards

This standard is identical to ISO 24617-9:2019 and also refers to IETF BCP 47. This document is intended to complement the ISO 24617 series and to provide all the necessary conceptual and technical mechanisms for the annotation of referential phenomena in multimodal discourse. Reference phenomena are an essential component for the understanding and structuring of discursive mechanisms, ranging from very basic pronominal relation to complex bridging anaphora. Annotating such phenomena in an interoperable way improves the re-usability of language resources in such applications in language technology as named entity recognition, text understanding and synthesis, text summarization, information retrieval, automatic question-answering, man-machine dialogue, and machine translation. The content of this document builds upon various projects and software platforms that have been dealing with reference annotation (RA), in particular the following References [9],[2],[16],[21], [26],[25],[22],[5],[15],[13] but also the TEI P5 guidelines. Based on these and other previous works, the Referential Annotation Framework (RAF) aims at providing a synthesized way of treating various reference phenomena in discourse. In continuity with most practices in the field, RAF focuses on marking up referring expressions in a discourse and the relations that hold between them and the corresponding entities, whether this is based upon employing crowd sourcing or machine learning strategies.


ISO 24617-9:2019 - Identical