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I.S. EN 50310:2016&A1:2020现行

Telecommunications bonding networks for buildings and other structures

出版:National Standards Authority of Ireland

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标准编号: I.S. EN 50310:2016&A1:2020
出版单位:National Standards Authority of Ireland

This European Standard specifies requirements and provides recommendations for the design and installation of connections (bonds) between various electrically conductive elements in buildings and other structures, during their construction or refurbishment, in which information technology (IT) and, more generally, telecommunications equipment is intended to be installed in order to: a) minimize the risk to the correct function of that equipment and interconnecting cabling from electrical hazards; b) provide the telecommunications installation with a reliable signal reference – which may improve immunity from electromagnetic interference (EMI).


I.S. EN 50310:2016


EN 50310:2016/A1:2020 -

EN 50310 : 2016 -