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IEC 81001-5-1:2021现行

Health software and health IT systems safety, effectiveness and security - Part 5-1: Security - Activities in the product life cycle

出版:International Electrotechnical Committee

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标准编号: IEC 81001-5-1:2021
出版单位:International Electrotechnical Committee

IEC 81001-5-1:2021 defines the LIFE CYCLE requirements for development and maintenance of HEALTH SOFTWARE needed to support conformance to IEC 62443-4-1 taking the specific needs for HEALTH SOFTWARE into account. The set of PROCESSES, ACTIVITIES, and TASKS described in this document establishes a common framework for secure HEALTH SOFTWARE LIFE CYCLE PROCESSES.The purpose is to increase the CYBERSECURITY of HEALTH SOFTWARE by establishing certain ACTIVITIES and TASKS in the HEALTH SOFTWARE LIFE CYCLE PROCESSES and also by increasing the SECURITY of SOFTWARE LIFE CYCLE PROCESSES themselves.It is important to maintain an appropriate balance of the key properties SAFETY, effectiveness and SECURITY as discussed in ISO 81001-1.This document excludes specification of ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION contents.