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GB 013.8-2005被替代

Integrated Management Systems (IMS) Risk Management for Good Governance

出版:British Standards Institution - Business Information

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标准编号: GB 013.8-2005
发布时间:2005/9/15 0:00:00
出版单位:British Standards Institution - Business Information

A series of books produced by the British Standards Institution (BSi) providing practical guidance and advice on integrating the systems operating within an organisation. The IMS series provides a framework into which additional management systems can be incorporated., This series is published in Australia by SAI Global Ltd. It provides an understanding of how the principles of IMS are addressed in the UK ? an understanding that can be readily applied here in Australia. This Part (8) examines the risks that have to be considered and managed in any organization, large or small. Facing these risks and how to manage them will do much to safeguard the future of the business as well as meeting the increasing demands from customers, owners and other stakeholders for reassurance that the organization is well managed.


GB 013.8-2010

GB 013.8-2010


BIP 2012:2003 - Identical